Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Quality Assurance Tester Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding Quality Assurance Tester Resume SampleCustomize this Outstanding Quality Assurance Tester Resume SampleCreate Resume Samuel Lackson100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA, 91010Cell (555) 987-1234example-emailexample.comProfessional SummaryDetail-oriented Quality Assurance Tester with the ability to craft tests and final quality reports that assist in generating higher amounts of revenue. Proven track record in creating applicable test requirements based on software specifications, developing test cases that can be easily duplicated and presenting quality assurance results to developers and management.Core QualificationsAccurate Test Result ReportingDatabase Testing ManagementDesign Specification ReviewTest Documentation ReportingSoftware DevelopmentQuality Assurance TrainingExperienceQuality Assurance Tester, October 2010 May 2015Henderson Software New Cityland, CAResponsible for creating new test cases based on new software specifications for each update g eneration.Established efficient reporting policies for written and verbal results reporting.Created several innovative testing methods that helped to uncover potentially critical software errors.Quality Assurance Tester, June 2006 October 2010Jetson Software New Cityland, CADeveloped a set of spreadsheets and reporting templates that helped to better understand the deliverables for each project.Established the format that is still used to deliver quality assurance testing reports.Responsible for isolating and repairing all software errors and then delivering an error report to the developers and management.Education2006 Bachelor of Science, Software EngineeringTatum Hillside Professional College New Cityland, CACustomize Resume

Friday, December 27, 2019

What Its Really Like to Work With a Resume Writer

What Its Really Like to Work With a Resume WriterWhat Its Really Like to Work With a Resume WriterWhat Its Really Like to Work With a Resume WriterWhat is it really like to work with a resume writer? One woman shares her experience from her first DIY attempt to receiving her final TopResume product. Ive never truly felt proud of my resume I mean, its always been fine, but not something that Id frame and hang on the wall at best, Im indifferent to it. And why would I ever be proud of a document Ive candidly always approached with a cavalier attitude? My old resume welches only updated when I had a bad day at work and fantasized about being anywhere else even then, I approached things with a twinge of resentment towards the process. Cram everything that might make you valuable to a strangers eyes onto this document and make sure its only one page That welches the prevailing rationale behind my a lot of my past resumes, and an approach Ive since come to find is utterly incorrect.Proac tively perfecting my professional documentsI have always been someone who floated from job to job on the backs of kind words and recommendations from colleagues I had a resume but never needed a resume. As I found myself growing restless in my current position, I decided to be proactive and conquer the challenge of redoing my job-search materials. I know Im capable, smart, and can be an asset to any company, and I wanted a resume that would show that I am qualified for a broader range of positions outside of the niche advertising community where word of mouth has served me so well.I felt myself craving something new and different a job that would push me to the edge of my comfort zone and wanted to have all of the right documentation ready so I could spring into action when the right job posting came my way.From a DIY try to hiring a resume writerI felt completely out of my element, obsessing over every word in the descriptions of every job Ive held as I wrote my resume. I didnt w ant to take any chances, either I wanted to ensure I was set up for success. I scoured Pinterest for the prettiest resume designs and created a visual masterpiece that I thought showed off my 10 years of expertise, my creativity, and my analytical skills. It was so unique, it all fit on one 8 by 11, and I believed no one would be able to resist the person who could create something so beautiful. Shes a must-hire, we need her.I found TopResumes free critique when I wanted to validate my efforts I felt like I had done all the right things and wanted an expert to confirm that my hard work paid off. I uploaded my multi-colored beauty to the tafelgeschirr and patiently waited for the results. When I opened the results in my inbox and read them over, my heart sank.I had no idea there were so many robots and digital gatekeepers standing in the way of me and the real hiring managers I wanted to meet.I had no idea that the resume I thought was a compelling work of art presented me as a per son who only has a few years of experience instead of a decade.I had no idea that all the visuals and pictures could prevent a hiring bot from reading anything about me at all. Nothing landseemed to come through clearly or correctly, not even my address.It was then I realized I needed a professional. My time is valuable, and the value of the time it would take me to learn about all the fixes and changes I needed to make was far greater than the cost of hiring a writer. Plus, I was ready to start applying I needed to get this resume fixed and fast.One click of an Order Now button and just like that, I had hired someone to help me redo my resume.The questionnaireBefore I got paired with a resume writer, TopResume issued me an extensive questionnaire where I shared my goals and strengths the things I wanted to highlight with my new resume. The questions made me feel like I was going to receive VIP treatment thanks to the complete and total focus on my career.I really appreciated the experience of getting to do the questionnaire. As I moved through question after question about my career, my trouble spots, and my resume, I was forced to self-reflect and think about the arc of my career story. For the first time, I really understood the value of getting outside eyes to reframe your experience. Youve lived as yourself your whole life, and your understanding of yourself and your self-presentation may not line up with how the rest of the world views you.The experience of completing all of the prerequisite questions also doubled as job-hunting prep in a way, too. TopResume asked for examples of job descriptions for the ideal positions I wanted to achieve with my resume. It took a lot of the stress away from surfing LinkedIn for potential dream jobs knowing that I was going to receive a resume that was made to look as attractive as possible for the positions I wanted most.Meeting my brand-new resumeA few days after completing the questionnaire, I got my first draft ba ck from the writer assigned to my case and was shocked to see the differences. My resume writer violated resume rules I had long held to be true, like that I had to keep a resume to only one page. The format was completely different and looked a lot less stylized than the picture-perfect-Pinterest version I had whipped up on my own.Changing your mind about anything is hard, and it was startling to see some of the differences between the original and this new draft. They werent changes I would have ever made myself a fact which reinforced my initial decision to hire a resume writer.When you embark on your own journey working with a resume writer, you have to be open-minded and trust the process.The professional writers understand what works and what doesnt works better than you do.I loved reading the way my writer reinterpreted and reframed my career accomplishments. It filled me with pride to read how my career was viewed from outside eyes. It was another reminder that others can s ee you so differently than you might see yourself in this case, my resume writer found impressive things to say about my career and work performance that I wouldnt have ever noticed or called out. Reading my rewritten resume was a huge confidence boost.Youre able to go back and forth with your writer a bit for a first draft and then a final draft, a feature which I took advantage of. You leave your writer comments and notes simply by adding them to the draft document of your resume you dont need to put forth a ton of extra effort to give feedback. Because I was proactively redoing my resume and didnt have a deadline, I took my time thinking through all of the comments I gave to my writer although to be honest, she did a pretty amazing job straight out of the gate. If I didnt have the luxury of time, I still wouldve been OK.The resultsOverall, Im thrilled with my resume-writing experience Im so glad I had it done. It set me up for job-hunting success in an environment where most o ften, applicant tracking bots control whether or not you get a chance to meet anyone from the company face to face.I learned about the new resume best practices yes, you really can have mora than one page Best of all, I got to benefit from having outside eyes review my career and the way I was presenting it. It gave me an opportunity to understand what weaknesses a hiring manager might see in my resume and work with my writer to address them.Im so excited to embark on a new round of job hunting with my upgraded resume the new document, while maybe not Pinterest-perfect-pretty, conveys my competence, skills, and strengths far better than I did myself. Now its up to me to go and use it, and use it well.Were ready to prepare you for a more successful job search. Learn more about working with a professional resume writer from TopResume.Recommended ReadingWhat Is an ATS? How to Write a Resume to Beat the BotsIts OK to Ask for Resume HelpWhat You Get From a Professionally Written Resume

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to Add Images or Videos to Your LinkedIn Profile

How to Add Images or Videos to Your LinkedIn Profile How to Add Images or Videos to Your LinkedIn Profile LinkedIn allows you to showcase your work right in the body of your profile, a perfect feature for marketers, designers, artists, writers and all kinds of creative professionals. Now you dont need to rely on words to tell recruiters how good you are you can show them.LinkedIn lets you add images, videos, and slideshow presentations to your profile summary, which means you can show examples of your work, share a Powerpoint presentation you created, or even include videos of yourself working or speaking. This is so much more powerful than simply directing recruiters to a portfolio or personal website, because the truth is that many of them wont ever visit the link you provide. But since LinkedIn makes it so easy to check out your work, many of them will do it. To utilize this feature, just click Edit profile, then scroll down to your summary and look for the box symbol (to the rig ht of edit.) You then select add file and upload any of the approved formats.You can binnensee an example of how this looks by checking out my profile, where I have posted some of my favorite resume samples.Now, people who are deciding whether to contact Blue Sky Resumes can do more than read my profile they actually have something tangible on which to base a decision. One word of warning LinkedIn doesnt insist that your videos and photos are work-related, but they always should be. Dont share your photos of your favourite sports teams or post funny cat videos instead stick with items that showcase the very best of your abilities.Best of luck

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Number One Thing You Need to Do Before Going on Holiday Vacation

The Number One Thing You Need to Do Before Going on Holiday VacationThe Number One Thing You Need to Do Before Going on Holiday Vacation Most of the world sets goals and makes resolutions around the new year, however, its estimated that only 8% of people actually stick to those resolutions . While its entirely possible that many people are being unrealistic with their goals, the number one thing you need to do before going on holiday vacation is to write down your achievements this year and goals for the new year. Doing this will set you up to be productive for the new year and enable you to go into the holidays with a clear direction and positive attitude.Reflect on what youve accomplishedPart of setting realistic goals and priorities is reflecting on what youve accomplished and giving yourself credit where it is deserved. Here are some great questions to ask yourself at the end of the yearThe answer to each of these questions is something that you accomplished this year. Be proud of that You may not know these metrics off the top of your head, so go ahead and calculate them. Do some research and figure out your personal statistics. This will help you see where you are in your role and in your career and will give you perspective on how you can grow and improve .Next, define what you want to accomplish and achieve in the new year. Do a self-assessment and figure out your priorities and tasks are, then build from there. This can be short or long term, but the idea is to figure out where you want to be (the end result) and how you will get there. Make an outline or a to-do list so you can clearly see whats on your plate. Once you have figured out what you need to accomplish and how to prioritize each task , you can actually get started on accomplishing it. You can also use applications like Trello to keep organized and keep others up to date on your progress. Telling others about your goals also helps to keep you accountable ( In a 2013 research study published in Translational Behavioral Medicine , participants who published their weight loss progress on Twitter lost mora weight than those who kept their progress to themselves.)Research suggests that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down . This is because writing goals and dreams down holds you accountable, and also creates a physical reminder of what youre working towards. Physically writing your goals down forces both sides of your brain to work together, stimulating a more powerful response and a greater ambition to meet those goals.Writing things down is the simple trick that will help you reach your goals, however its important to note that reality comes into place here. If your goal is completely unrealistic in terms of logistics or science, it likely wont pan out. Set a specific goal that is challenging, but still attainable. Science suggests that using these two factors when goal setting leads to higher performance 90% of the time .For example, its unlikely that you will be able to leave your job and start a new job within the next month, however setting a goal of sending in three amazing job applications per week, with the result of leaving your current job and starting a new job within the next six months is very achievable. Remember, the number one thing you need to do before going on holiday vacation is to write down your achievements this year and set goals for the new year. This will help you hold yourself accountable, provide a physical reminder of what youre working towards, and let you enjoy the holiday season knowing that youre being proactive in your career.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Power of Predictive Analytics in Staffing

The Power of Predictive Analytics in StaffingThe Power of Predictive Analytics in StaffingThe Power of Predictive Analytics in Staffing-Paul Isson, Global Vice President BI Predictive Analytics, WorldwideTodays global explosion of digital information, big dataand predictive analytics is not only affecting the way organizations and businesses manage their customers and consumers, it is changing the way they look, find and retain top talent. In fact, the research firm, Gartner, predicts data will grow by 800 percent within the next five years and 80 percent of that data will be unstructured (emails, social media posts, feed videos and resumes).There is no doubt that big data represents a challenge and an opportunity for recruitment teams and staffing firms, and talent analyticsis becoming a key component to creating a successful talent management process.At Monster, we binnensee the exciting opportunity to mine big data and use it with many of our forward-looking firms. We are lookin g forward to working with our customers to effectively leverage the power of predictive recruitment analytics solutionsand big data intelligence technology to optimize their talent pipeline and resource investments.What Predictive Analytics Means to the Staffing IndustryTraditionally, predictive analytics has helped companies to address the basic business questions of who, when and why. However, when applied to the staffing industry, predictive analytics helps to anticipate and optimizeTalent acquisition helps to identify who is the top talent? When should they be contacted? Why is this requisition/ job opportunity attractive to this top talent?Talent pipeline planning Predictive analytics can optimize a talent pipeline by leveraging macroeconomic and talent data to ascertain key factors that can lead to better resource allocation. For instance, identifying the best locations to invest in recruitment campaigns for certain skills.Job-response optimization During the recruitment proce ss, predictive analytics helps organizations optimize their job-postings response. Data analysis can provide companies with custom recommendations and tailored best practices to help firms achieve better responses to their jobs postings based upon factors such as duration, location, occupation, and industry.Customer acquisition A staffing firms talent database is their proprietary competitive advantage and sales tool. Therefore with the power of predictive analytics to harness a staffing firms big data and provide valuable insight into the talent on hand, a firm is empowered to drive future sales conversations directly aligned to the talent they have.What Big Data Intelligence Means to the Staffing IndustryTo process, manage, and optimize the exponential growth of resumes and other talent data coming from multiple sources, Staffing firms have to leverage big data intelligence technology to fully understand and maximize their recruitment metrics. The benefits of performing this type of deep-dive analysis includeBetter awareness of cost-per-placement This can improve recruiter productivity by leveraging the technology horsepower.Analysis of the quality of the candidateThis can help recruiters to efficiently find a broader range of candidates they would not find using traditional search methods.Improve the time-to-fill, as well as the fill ratio This can reduce search time, provide accurate candidate ranking that leads to matching the right talent to the right job offering.Predictive recruitment analytics and big data intelligence tools are changing the way organizations view, analyze and harness their talent data. Leveraged efficiently, predictive analytics allows staffing teams to create economic value from their talent data, helping them become more competitive and, ultimately, more successful.Author BioJean-Paul Isson recently co-authored an Amazon.com bestseller book in 2012 (Win with Advanced geschftsleben Analytics Creating Business Value from your Data, W iley, 2012.) He is an internationally recognized speaker and an expert in advanced business analytics.Mr. Isson is Global Vice President of Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics at Worldwide, Inc. where he has built his global business intelligence team from the ground up and successfully conceived and implemented global customer scoring/segmentation, predictive modeling, and Web mining applications building across North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.Isson frequently keynotes at international executive events including CIO of the year and has been speaker for IDC Forbes TDWI (The Data Warehousing Institute), SAS data mining conferences, the Premier Business Leadership Series, Measure Up, Predictive Analytics World, Loyalty World USA, Big Data USA Canada, BusinessAnalyticsNews.com, IT World Canada, IT Business, 1to1 Media, IQCP, eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit/SMX, and at The Institute for International Research other SAS and IDC events.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Why Everybody Is Mistaken Regarding Child Care Resume and Why You Really Need to View This Document

Why Everybody Is Mistaken Regarding Child Care Resume and Why You Really Need to View This Document Its so critical to make your resume stand out and to make certain to interest the employer. Allow the employer know what you would like to accomplish during your career with them. Resumes dont have to be long. Where you can in a place to transfer all type of files whenever its possible. If you dont have the format of the resume, here is one you may download free of charge. Start with picking out the security or sign template youre going to want. There are a lot of templates on the internet that will allow you to fill in to create your resume. Details of Child Care Resume If you are looking for work, avoid rely on only one method to discover careers. You might elend have direct experience however, you may have relevant or transferable experience. Utilizing a Indeed Resume its possible to create your abilities and knowledge obvious to employers and supply them an effortless procedure to get in contact with you about relevant jobs. Well it is not going to guarantee you a work certainly. however, it can enhance your opportunities for jobs. Employers include the Key Selection Criteria which will want to get addressed and met when applying for a work position. Programs vitae may be used to for the scholastic education whereas a resume is utilized to make an application for a work launching. Making your resume is vital. Anticipating hearing from you. Introducing Child Care Resume The majority of them have an extremely brief attention span. If youre thinking about how to create a resume, youre in the proper spot The really very last thing you would like to do is usually get work which you cant do. The very last thing you plan to do is definitely obtain a job that you just cant do. The individual must be a self-starter who has the capacity to produce good judgments for the interest of the middle, and whos dependable and trustworthy. When it has t o do with their behaviour they will generally seem more aloof and without the neediness of the very first victim. On the smallest amount, you always need to list a present job in the event you have one. In the smallest amount, you always need to list a present-day job if you happen to have one. But What About Child Care Resume? Read your revamped resume with an important eye to make certain it reflects you. Not only are you going to find jobs to help build your resume, youre going to be helping your neighborhood at precisely the same moment Promote the evolution of childrens independence and self-help abilities. Good ability to supply a supportive and caring environment for kids. In case you have child care experience, utilize the resume summary. If you wish to be selected for the child care job, then you should do the best that you can to make aya the content of your resume matches the requirements of the hiring manager. You will require a child care resume if youre aski ng for a position for a child care provider or director. Child care may be challenging field to work in. Parents communicate in a very clear manner what is expected from the child so that they understand the difference between positive and negative behavior. It is essential that youre in a position to make the parents of the child you plan on looking after feel like they can trust and depend on you.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How To Make A Great Employee A Brand Ambassador

How To Make A Great Employee A Brand AmbassadorWhile social media may have started as a place best reserved for pictures of your lunch or your pets, its since become a highly useful way for professionals and businesses to communicate. Social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook can also have a major influence on how clients and potential employees view a particular brand. Individual employees are also able to have a significant impact on how their employer is perceived, and this influence extends beyond social media. Staff members can act as powerful brand ambassadors for their employer when it comes time to recruit potential new hires or customers. Heres why its essential to tap the right employees to fill this brand ambassador role, both on social media and in real lifeSocial media users are influential, which can change the face of modern recruitingSocial media has become our source for everything, from political news to cat videos to information on employers. A 20 15 LinkedIn survey found that 50 percent of job seekers turn to their friends and colleagues first when looking for a job. So what your employees are a saying about the organization will hold a lot of weight with potential candidates.If these thoughts are positive, it can encourage people who see the post to consider applying for open positions within this company, thus directly impacting recruiting efforts. If theyre constantly firing off passive aggressive statements about how theyre longing for the weekend or dreading Monday, its an indication that maybe things arent ideal at their place of business.Think about this real world example youre a mid-level professional who is moderately happy in your current role, yet you arent totally sold on your company. You know theres not much mora room for advancement where you are currently. If you want to grow in your career, eventually youll have to seek employment somewhere else. You also happen to be part of the 65 percent of adults who ar e on social media. Sometimes when you log on, you notice a friend from college posting positive statuses about his job. He talks about the aufsteigen he just got, the conferences he gets to attend, and the company picnic hes looking forward to in a few weeks.You remember that you and your friend shared a similar major in college, and these statuses get you thinking if your friend is so happy at this company (which appears to be similar to your current employer), maybe its worth investigating whether this business has open positions that you might be qualified for. You check out the companys website, or maybe you send your friend a Facebook message to get more information. You might eventually submit your materials for consideration when a job at this organization becomes available.This friend, whether he realizes it or not, is serving as a brand ambassador for his company. His positive Facebook posts are helping with the businesss recruiting efforts in a way thats often more powerfu l than any job posting in a trade magazine. Hes giving direct testimonials about why someone would want to be part of that companys gruppe. Its essential that managers recognize the power of this type of employee (the kind who serves as a brand ambassador) and that they place value on the social currency hes generating.socialmedia lets jobseekers get to know your employer brand. What are your employees saying?Click To TweetHow to enlist your staff members as brand ambassadorsThe employee-turned-brand ambassador is hard to come by, though. If someones social media posts feel forced, their ability to influence people within their network plummets. So how can hiring managers encourage veteran members of their team to fill this essential role?Let it happen organically If your employees head to their desks one Monday morning and see a memo telling them that they must post about at least three positive things happening at work per day, expect some backlash. Many people view social media a s a type of creative outlet, and telling them what they have to write feels like an invasion of privacy. The most impactful type of brand ambassador work happens totally organically, not because people feel that they must create this kind of content to preserve their jobs. Truly influential brand ambassadors arent fed copy points and forced to spout them off nonstop throughout the day. They speak because they actually believe in the product.Create a place where people love coming to workOne way to get employees to voice authentic, positive jas about their place of business is by making sure that they actually enjoy coming to work each day. When team members feel valued and appreciated, theyre more likely to spread the word about how much they enjoy their jobs. While focusing on your companys bottom line is necessary in order to stay afloat, take a look at the big picture experience too. Can you provide opportunities for your employees to continue to develop? Do this by sending them to conferences, or by bringing in speakers to touch on relevant topics in your field. Do you promote camaraderie at work? Events like office happy hours or company softball games let your staff members get to know one another. This makes heading into the office each day a more enjoyable experience for everyone. These details may seem small, but they all contribute to making your office a place where people are excited to spend their days. This breeds the most effective brand ambassadors.Encourage company pride Its amazing how something as simple as passing out sweatshirts or coffee mugs with the businesss logo on them boosts employee pride. When everyone in the office feels as if theyre part of one team, company unity increases. In a small way, its almost like youre athletes wearing the saatkorn uniform. You wouldnt see the shortstop for a baseball team wearing a blue jersey, while the pitcher is wearing red and the catcher is donning green. In order to signify that everyone is work ing towards the same goals, they wear the same colors. Small tokens of company unity can help bring about this cooperative mentality within your office.Provide incentivesYour employees arent required to act as brand ambassadors, so its important to reward those who willingly take on this role. You might consider putting a program into place that rewards team members who speak proudly about the business. Offer bonuses for those who help recruit new employees or truly show company spirit. Some businesses also find value in developing an Employee of the Month program to highlight those who truly embody the companys core vision.Find value in social media There are managers who put strict social media policies in place, restricting employees use of these platforms during the day. While social media can certainly be a distraction, those who value using their staff members as brand ambassadors might find that relaxing these policies benefits the business as a whole. Sure, you dont want tea m members tweeting instead of getting essential tasks done, but allowing employees to take a minute to post a picture of something that illustrates strong company culture (everyone celebrating after hitting a sale goal, for example) reinforces what your business can offer clients and prospective employees alike. Be honestIf you want your staff to go to bat for you, transparency becomes essential. You cant expect an individual to advocate for the company on LinkedIn after walking into the office the previous day and learning that 25 percent of the staff has been laid off. In order to earn employee loyalty and support, be honest about issues. Make it a point to acknowledge problems within the business, and highlight your plans to fix them. Its also helpful to provide context by explaining whats going on within the industry as a whole.Value employee insightYour staff members understand your business better than almost anyone else in fact, sometimes they have a clearer understanding of the company than upper management. Because of this, its important to take team member suggestions seriously. If youre constantly hearing complaints about certain policies, consider making changes. When employees feel as if their thoughts are valued, they get more invested in the business.Share what you stand forWhen employees come to work each day and dont have a sense of that businesss long-term goals and vision, it makes it challenging for them to feel invested in their work. Whats the point of all of this effort? What are they working towards? When you create a company culture that is powered by well-publicized values, youre keeping your staff on the same page. In turn, this can make employees more passionate about the business. They know what theyre working for and why it matters, and they truly feel as if theyre part of a team.Offer training Some staff members might be thrilled to act as brand ambassadors, both on and offline, however they might be unfamiliar with social media and its best practices. This limits their ability to share why they love their job with others. Instead of discounting the value that these individuals can bring, take time to provide them with coaching to get them up to speed. How do sites like Twitter and Facebook work? What kinds of content reflects positively on the business, while still appealing to those who might read it? What are some best practices to keep in mind when using social media? This will get employees comfortable using social media, despite how frequently or infrequently they might have used these platforms in the past.Start a company blog andrang by employeesIts no secret that a company website is a powerful recruiting tool. Potential new hires scope out business sites to get more information about the company, and to get a sense of what working for that brand is all about. One way to set your site apart from the rest of the pack is by creating an employee-driven blog where interested applicants can read direc tly from team members about what its like to work for your business. Let them highlight a project theyre working on, a new client they landed, or something light-hearted, like their recent victory in the company badminton tournament. You can tap one person to run the blog, or consider alternating each month. This gives employees a chance to express themselves, while offering different perspectives on office life. Because there is some extra work involved, you might consider offering a giftstoff card or other small incentive to those who take on the bulk of the writing work.Want employees to help your employerbranding? Focus on creating a great workplace first.Click To TweetFrom the employees point of viewFrom a staff members perspective, it can be difficult to understand why acting as a brand ambassador is so important. Besides the obvious benefits for the company, acting as a brand ambassador can help fast track an individual employees career. Serving as a brand ambassador is a sub tle way to show company leadership that youre invested in the business, and are engaged with the companys long-term mission. This can help you set you apart as a leader, which is valuable when promotions or other opportunities within that organization become available. If management knows that you care deeply about your job and the company, theyre more likely to consider you for these opportunities, as opposed to someone who punches the clock and leaves just so that they can collect a paycheck.When you convert your employees into brand ambassadors, youre turning your staff members into powerful advocates for your business. Brand ambassadors are an essential part of the hiring and recruiting processes. Additionally, when employees are proud to represent their brand, theyre more engaged and productive at work each day. In order to encourage your staff to want to take on this role, start with an analytical look at what its like to work for your business. When you continuously present o pportunities for additional learning and bonding with co-workers, you make the office an exciting place to do business. In turn, it becomes someplace that employees are proud to represent, both on and offline.How do you encourage brand ambassadors at your business? Share in the comments below